Frequently Asked Questions




What is a SCOBY?

SCOBY stands for "symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast". The yeast breaks down the sugar in the tea to produce alcohol and the bacteria convert the alcohol to acetic acid. SCOBY is the wonder ingredient that makes your kombucha fizzy and tangy!


Where does the fizz come from?

Our kombuchas are naturally carbonated. This is done by storing the kombucha in airtight bottles so that the carbon dioxide produced by the yeast gets trapped-  a process called secondary fermentation!


Does kombucha contain alcohol?

Alcohol is a byproduct of the fermentation process. As kombucha is naturally fermented it does contain trace amounts of alcohol like kefir, kvass and medovukha. However it is less than 0.5%, thus it is considered a non-alcoholic beverage.


Can children consume kombucha?

As of now, there have not been conclusive studies stating whether kids should drink kombucha. However, there has been a positive response to kids consuming probiotics and fermented foods. So the answer is mostly subjective and it is advisable to start with small portions and observe individual responses.


Why is kombucha called “mushroom tea”? Does it contain mushrooms?

That’s a misnomer! The yeast and bacteria form a pellicle which appears like a mushroom, hence the name.  


What’s special about raw kombucha?

 Raw kombucha contains all the naturally occurring gut-friendly bacteria, giving your body the probiotic benefit. In contrast to pasteurisation which kills the bacteria. 

Does kombucha contain caffeine?

Tea leaves naturally contain caffeine, so it inevitably finds its way into the kombucha. Fortunately, its concentration is extremely minimal and will have a negligible effect on your caffeine intake.


Can you drink kombucha with antibiotics?

It's a wise choice to take probiotics with antibiotics as the good bacteria in your stomach also get killed by antibiotic treatment. So kombucha can be a good idea to restore the protective armour of your body since some probiotics in kombucha are resistant to antibiotics.


How do you flavour your kombucha?

Our signature flavours are made by infusing kombucha with real fruits and herbs. We decide on flavours which provide added nutrients and other health benefits. There are no artificial flavouring agents used, providing you with an absolutely raw and natural delight. 


Why are some flavours less fizzy than others?

The carbonation in our kombuchas comes from secondary fermentation. As every flavour has unique fruits and herbs added before secondary fermentation, the fizziness varies depending on the sugar level and properties of the ingredient. Less fizzy or more, both are equally nutritious.

Coconut Water Kefir & Beet Kvass


Cocofir - Coconut water kefir
What are kefir grains?

    Kefir grains consist of a mixture of bacteria and yeast in a matrix of proteins and polysaccharides. They feed on sugar and multiply into tiny grains. 


    Is kefir as effective as probiotic supplements?

      Kefir grains are known to contain up to 50 strains of bacteria and yeasts, this diversity makes it a great source of probiotics. On the other hand, probiotic supplements contain only a few strains of probiotics. Cocofir has an additional benefit of coconut water which is a great source of Vitamin C, Manganese, Potassium, Calcium and Sodium. Thus cocofir will provide a broader range of health benefits.


      How much Cocofir can be consumed in a day? 

        You can start with small amounts and then gradually increase your intake. For best results consume 100-150ml per day. 


        When is the best time to drink kefir?

          Technically, you can drink kefir at any time of the day. However, it is recommended to take it in the morning as cocofir will provide you with the energy boost to begin your day!

          Under what conditions should kefir be avoided?

            Kefir is generally safe to consume as long as it is made and stored properly. However, every individual’s digestive response to probiotics is distinctive and so is the case with kefir. It is advised that people with a compromised immune response should avoid drinking kefir.


            Beet kvass

            Why should you add beet kvass to your diet?

              Beet kvass is highly nutritious-  loaded with vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, antioxidants, and probiotics. It has the nutritive potential of beet and the incredible benefits of fermentation. It's a great alternative to your regular beet juice with the exception of absolutely no sugar plus providing your dose of healthy bacteria.


              Why is beet kvass called a liver tonic?

                 Beets contain phytonutrients which help in supporting liver health. The nutrient betaine reduces oxidative stress and inflammation in the liver. Beet kvass also has detoxifying properties.


                What does it mean when beet kvass turns brown?

                  Browning usually means that it has been exposed to too much oxygen for a very long time. This is not good as your beet kvass has lost a lot of its nutritional value. We recommend refrigerating your beet kvass at all times and consuming it within 7 days after opening.


                  Can beet kvass be used as an energy drink?

                    Beet kvass is abundant in nitrates, which are converted into nitric oxide by our body. Nitric oxide is linked with boosting energy and enhancing stamina. So yes! Beet kvass can be used as a natural energy drink.


                    Is beet kvass supposed to be fizzy?

                      Fairly speaking, flat or fizzy both are just fine! As it is a fermented beverage, after bottling the carbon dioxide produced by the microbes makes it mildly fizzy.


                      Does the taste of beet kvass vary with every batch?

                        No two batches of natural fermentation will be exactly the same. This does not mean that one batch is better than the other, just slightly different. We aim at maintaining all parameters constant for every batch to provide you with the best final product.

                        Naturally Fermented - Ginger Ale



                        What is a ginger bug?

                          It is an active starter culture that brings about the fermentation in ginger ale. It contains wild yeast that is present in the environment and skin of ginger root.


                          Does fermentation reduce the inherent benefits of ginger?

                            Since ancient times, the fermentation process has been known to increase the probiotic property of foods. The fermentation of ginger ale not only increases the number of beneficial bacteria but also improves the bioavailability of compounds in ginger so that they are better absorbed in the body- giving you the dual benefit.

                            Why is there sedimentation at the bottom?

                              Active ginger culture is added while brewing ginger ale. The sediment you observe is the naturally occurring ginger bug which is normal in the fermentation process.

                              Why is lemon used in ginger ale?

                                Lemon-ginger is an age-old favourite combination. These two work wonders as a blend. It is known to soothe the digestive system, relieve mild nausea and support the immune system. 


                                How is Bombucha’s ginger ale different from others?

                                  We ferment our ginger ale naturally and even the carbonation is solely relied upon the microbes. Our ginger ale is made from all organic ingredients. It has minimal sugar and maximum health benefits. We use natural dried flowers for flavouring and no preservatives are added. 


                                  Why does kimchi overflow when opened?

                                    It is absolutely natural for some kimchi jars to bubble or pop on opening. The natural fermentation process produces gases which creates pressure on the jar resulting in the overflow. It is highly advisable to always open all fermented products over the sink.


                                    What are the health benefits of kimchi?

                                      It is an excellent probiotic and will improve your digestive health.

                                      It can reduce the risk of atherosclerosis.

                                      It improves immune function and lowers levels of inflammation. 

                                      It can help to reduce the risk of health conditions such as stroke, diabetes, and heart disease. 


                                      How much kimchi should be consumed?

                                        You can start off with small amounts, about a forkful everyday and then gradually increase your intake.


                                        How do you eat kimchi?

                                          Kimchi is the ultimate condiment for any meal and works well with rice, ramen or consumed as it is. Its spicy and tangy flavor makes it an excellent complement to savory foods.


                                          Is kimchi good for children?

                                            In moderation, kimchi is a great fermented food for children. As it is full of probiotics, their gut will simply love it. It will improve their digestion and strengthen their immune system.


                                            What kind of chilli is used in kimchi?

                                              The distinctive flavour of kimchi comes from “Gochugaru”- Korean chilli pepper. Gochugaru has a vibrant red color and is a bit spicy, sweet, and slightly smoky.


                                              Why is sugar added to kimchi?

                                                Sugar is added as fuel for the yeast to start fermenting the cabbage. All this sugar is eaten up by the yeast so at the end of fermentation the sugar reduces to undetectable levels making your kimchi sugar free.


                                                Why does kimchi taste vinegary even though vinegar is not added?

                                                Kimchi is a Lacto-fermented food in which the bacterium Lactobacillus breaks down sugar to lactic acid giving kimchi its peculiar sour taste which is similar to vinegar. 


                                                How do you know if kimchi has gone bad?

                                                  When refrigerated kimchi will not spoil for months, but a slight change in taste and texture will be observed over time. If not stored properly, foul odor or signs of mold will tell that kimchi has gone bad.



                                                  Why should I eat sauerkraut?

                                                    Sauerkraut is a storehouse of fibre, probiotics, minerals, vitamin C, vitamin K, iron, manganese, folate, vitamin B6 and antioxidants. It is known to have anti-inflammatory properties, improve digestion, keep skin healthy, and aid weight loss.


                                                    What is the best way to eat sauerkraut?

                                                      There is no one single way. You can eat right out of the jar. Add to your salad or sandwich. Get as creative as you want!


                                                      Can sauerkraut be used in cooking?

                                                        One of the main benefits of sauerkraut comes from the live good bacteria in it. Heating to temperatures above 46°C could kill them, so you need to be careful and cook at low temperatures or it can be added to your meal after cooking. 


                                                        What can be done with the extra brine?

                                                          It can be used as a salad dressing. It can be drizzled in vegetables in place of vinegar.  It can be added to soups and dips, or you can even drink it straight.


                                                          What is the optimal amount of sauerkraut to eat in a day?

                                                          Eating sauerkraut daily is a healthy practice. Having a spoonful every day will be sufficient to fulfil your probiotic need.